The winter blues are no laughing matter, as they can cause many people to feel lazy, unmotivated, or sad for no real reason. A lack of sunlight is often thought to be the cause of those feelings, as the days gradually shorten in the winter, and sunlight ebbs away. One of the best ways to bring yourself out of a winter funk is to fill your space with mood-boosting winter indoor plants.
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Not only will these vibrant plants bring a spark of life to a dreary indoor space, but they also serve as a reminder to open your blinds and let some sunlight in! The best winter indoor plants are those that bring color to a space, whether that is through colorful blooms or variations of greens in the leaves.
Find cute corner plant stands for these indoor plants here!
Orchids, or Orchidaceae, are flowering plants that provide bright and fragrant blooms in a variety of colors. Generally orchids require a full day of sun to thrive well in every season, so place them in a sunny, south-facing window.
For growing orchids, fir bark nuggets are the most common planting medium, as it provides enough drainage while still giving the roots something to hold onto. Orchids prefer less water than other houseplants, even to the point of drought conditions, as too much water around the roots can suffocate the plant and cause it to stop growing.
Read about brown orchids and other beautiful brown flowers here.

The laceleaf, or Anthurium, is another flowering plant that will bloom all year consistently if it is correctly cared for. The lace leaf plant prefers bright but indirect sunlight all day.
It’s best to plant the lace leaf in a peat moss based soil, as it needs soil to be moist year-round, and peat moss is able to hold onto the moisture without water-logging the roots.
*This is a toxic plant, so keep it out of reach of children and pets! It’s also suggested to wear protective gloves when caring for the lace leaf.
Watermelon Peperomia
The watermelon peperomia, or Peperomia Argyreia, is an easy to grow winter indoor plants with rounded leaves that are akin with a watermelon pattern (shiny silver and green bands). This plant is perfect for new plant owners or those living in a small space, as it requires very little maintenance and only grows to be 11 inches tall.
The watermelon peperomia prefers indirect, but bright sunlight throughout the day. They only need to be watered when the soil dries out, and they don’t enjoy excessive water. This plant is also easy to propagate if you decide you want more, or a friend wants a matching plant!
To propagate, cut a leaf off at the base of the stem and placing it in a jar of water. In about six to eight weeks, the plant will begin to sprout white roots. Once they grow to about an inch long, it can be planted in soil.
Aloe Vera

The aloe vera plant is a popular succulent that not only remains green all year long, has air purifying qualities and helps to fight indoor air pollution. Aloe vera prefers a bright room, but indirect sunlight. If you notice the leaves are turning brown or wilting, it might be a sign that it has had too much light.
Aloe vera does best in sandy, well-drained soil mixtures, like cactus soil you can find in stores. An aloe vera plant needs to be watered only when the first inch of soil is dry to the touch.
Air Plants

Air plants, or tillandsias, are perfect for anyone who wants to get into indoor plants without the need for soil, or want an easy plant to start with. Air plants are notoriously simple to take care of, and with so many different varieties (some that look like hair!), it’s easy to find some that suit you. They don’t have to be planted in soil, so you can place them anywhere, tucked into seashells, on a piece of driftwood, or in a wire basket.
Air plants prefer warm temperatures around the 60s and a few hours of bright but indirect sunlight. A lot of people think all you need to do for air plant care is misting them with water, but it’s better to soak it in water for about 5 minutes twice a month.
Looking for some other colorful plants to keep in your house all winter long? Check out these plants with purple leaves, which can also work for winter indoor plants!
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