Succulents are great house plants because they make a statement, and require minimal maintenance. Fuzzy succulents are especially great because you don’t have to worry about getting stabbed by a sharp spine on them, instead being almost soft to the touch.
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Succulents have the ability to store large quantities of water in their leaves and stems. Many have modified leaves called spines that help the plant conserve water. The most famous types of succulents are cacti, and it is true that many cacti are very prickly. Other succulents, including species of cacti, don’t have spines. Some are even covered with fuzz or feathers. Here are some fuzzy succulents that do well as houseplants or plants for your garden!
Echevaria laui

This fuzzy succulent is known for its pretty bluish gray leaves that feel like they have a dusting of powder on them. The plant grows in rosettes about 5 inches around. It will grow eventually to about 6 inches in height over time. Eventually, if it’s well cared for, this succulent produces odd looking but lovely peach colored flowers. Be careful when watering this succulent, and water around the plant not directly on top of it. If you leave water in the rosette of the plant, it can lead to disease. Also make sure to snip off any dead leaves at the bottom, because they can attract bugs. This plant likes direct sun, and only needs to be watered when the soil is completely dry.
Mammillaria plumosa

When it comes to fuzzy succulents, it’s hard to beat this cactus. Its more common name is the feather cactus. As its name suggests, it seems to be covered in feathers, though these are actually soft spines. They are white, which gives the plant the look of a cluster of snowballs. The plant grows to about 5 inches tall but can be as wide as 16 inches around. The feather cactus flowers in the summer, and the flowers range from blooms that look like daisies, with bright white petals and yellow centers, to blooms that are pink or green-yellow. The feather cactus can manage with no water during the winter seasons, only being watered during the warmer months. Make sure to fertilize this plant regularly during those warmer months when it’s also getting watered.
Euphorbia obesa
This plant, also called the baseball plant, is native to South Africa and gets its name because it is perfectly round. The roundness is embellished with furrows and ridges that alternate and remind people of a baseball. The plant grows between 2 and 5 inches around, and if it’s well taken care of and placed in a hot climate, rows of tiny pink flowers appear on the top. Because the baseball plant doesn’t need a lot of watering and is drought tolerant, it’s a great plant if you aren’t around a lot. You can plant this outside if you’re in a place where the winters are fairly mild. This fuzzy succulent is perfect for a rock garden.
Hawthoria emelyae
The 3D triangular leaves of this succulent are more warty than fuzzy, but they are also stunningly beautiful. They are just a bit translucent, dark green and streaked with white with pink veins. They have serrated edges and grow in rosettes. Like other succulents, Hawthoria emelyae only needs to be watered when the soil dries out completely. In the summer, if the plant is well cared for, it produces little white flowers from a stalk that rises from the center of the rosette. This plant will make a statement in any room you add it to.
Senecio candicans
Native to India, this succulent is prized for its beautiful, long, fuzzy leaves. They are silvery gray and scalloped, which makes the plant an eye-catching companion to more traditionally colored plants in any collection. It makes both an excellent houseplant and a good plant to grow in a pot outside. It can grow about three feet tall and in the summer brings forth beautiful yellow orange flowers in flat clusters. This succulent also goes by the names of sea cabbage and angel wings.
These are just some of the interesting types of fuzzy succulents! Interested in other succulents to brighten up your room or garden? Read about others here. Do you have a favorite of these succulents? Or a different one stolen your heart? Let me know in the comments!
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